Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Full Masturbate Ladies

Hot Girl Leaking

Hot Girl Leaking

Hot Girl Leaking

Really Hot boobs

Sexy Hairy Girl

Sexy Armpit And Big Boobs Lady

Sexy Armpit And Big Boobs Lady

Hot Hairy Lady

Secret Hot Lady With Tatoo

Fucking Hot Lady

Fucking Hot Lady

Hot Lady Show Room

Friday, September 30, 2016

Fun Hot Girl Around The World

Fun Hot Girl Around The World

Full Oragsm

Squirt Lady Part 2

Squirt Lady Part 1

Sexy Lady with Camera

Hot Orgasm Part 1

Happy lady Around The World

Hot Room and bed

Hot Lady with Her Finger !

Hot Lady with Her Finger !

Show Boobs !

Hot Girls Show !

Naked In Bed

Big Boobs Girls

Crazy In Bad Orgasm

Sexy Bingo Lady 1

Sexy Bingo Lady 1

Sexy Bingo Lady 1

Sexy Bingo Lady 1

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Hot Girl Show In Bingo

Hot Girls Showing Her Things

She Has Got Hot Mouth

Hot Asian body

Hot Big Boobs

Bingo Big Boobs

Sexy Toy Show Of Lady

She Has No Armpit Hair

Hot Chat Sex Room

Master On Masturbate

Secret Big Boobs !

Leaking Bingo Secret

Have Fun On Bingo

Have Fun On Bingo

Bingo Lady Touch Herself

Bingo Sexy Lady

The human tongue and its functions

About the only interest a person has in the tongue is when something abnormal happens; such as, when there is pain or if some unusual taste factor exists as when there is burning from excessive heat, when accidentally bitten, or when exposed to strong flavors which are spicy, bitter, sweet, sour, etc.
Since the human tongue usually stays out of sight, it is is not considered as valuable as other sensory parts of the body, but if people think they can get along without their tongues, they should re-evaluate this misconception.
For example, when a person extends the tongue out of the mouth and lightly clamps on it between the teeth, then if that person tries to talk, let him/her see if speech under such circumstance can be understood.
A tongue is particularly important with the mastication, or chewing, of food by rolling it around in the mouth so such materials are evenly broken up and made more acceptable to the stomach for digestion. A tongue assists in swallowing when the front part presses against the hard palate in the roof of the mouth. This is followed by having the back part of the tongue hump up, thrusting food into the passage that leads to the esophagus.
Although it may seem to be a simple activity, it is really a necessary function that is conducted by nerves and executed by intricate muscles. A person usually knows how to swallow before being born, which is an indication of how important the swallowing reflex is to one's existence.
Speaking is another consideration because a person must be trained for such extraordinary neuromuscular activities. A baby normally experiments with sounds for two, or more, years before being able to form simple sentences. As people get older, the tongue is able to flex itself into many various shapes for more complex expressions.
Anyone who would like to get a better idea of the tongue's complex activities should concentrate on its various movements while talking.

Secret Masturbate !

The human tongue and its functions

About the only interest a person has in the tongue is when something abnormal happens; such as, when there is pain or if some unusual taste factor exists as when there is burning from excessive heat, when accidentally bitten, or when exposed to strong flavors which are spicy, bitter, sweet, sour, etc.
Since the human tongue usually stays out of sight, it is is not considered as valuable as other sensory parts of the body, but if people think they can get along without their tongues, they should re-evaluate this misconception.
For example, when a person extends the tongue out of the mouth and lightly clamps on it between the teeth, then if that person tries to talk, let him/her see if speech under such circumstance can be understood.
A tongue is particularly important with the mastication, or chewing, of food by rolling it around in the mouth so such materials are evenly broken up and made more acceptable to the stomach for digestion. A tongue assists in swallowing when the front part presses against the hard palate in the roof of the mouth. This is followed by having the back part of the tongue hump up, thrusting food into the passage that leads to the esophagus.
Although it may seem to be a simple activity, it is really a necessary function that is conducted by nerves and executed by intricate muscles. A person usually knows how to swallow before being born, which is an indication of how important the swallowing reflex is to one's existence.
Speaking is another consideration because a person must be trained for such extraordinary neuromuscular activities. A baby normally experiments with sounds for two, or more, years before being able to form simple sentences. As people get older, the tongue is able to flex itself into many various shapes for more complex expressions.
Anyone who would like to get a better idea of the tongue's complex activities should concentrate on its various movements while talking.

Hot Magic Tongue !

The human tongue and its functions

About the only interest a person has in the tongue is when something abnormal happens; such as, when there is pain or if some unusual taste factor exists as when there is burning from excessive heat, when accidentally bitten, or when exposed to strong flavors which are spicy, bitter, sweet, sour, etc.
Since the human tongue usually stays out of sight, it is is not considered as valuable as other sensory parts of the body, but if people think they can get along without their tongues, they should re-evaluate this misconception.
For example, when a person extends the tongue out of the mouth and lightly clamps on it between the teeth, then if that person tries to talk, let him/her see if speech under such circumstance can be understood.
A tongue is particularly important with the mastication, or chewing, of food by rolling it around in the mouth so such materials are evenly broken up and made more acceptable to the stomach for digestion. A tongue assists in swallowing when the front part presses against the hard palate in the roof of the mouth. This is followed by having the back part of the tongue hump up, thrusting food into the passage that leads to the esophagus.
Although it may seem to be a simple activity, it is really a necessary function that is conducted by nerves and executed by intricate muscles. A person usually knows how to swallow before being born, which is an indication of how important the swallowing reflex is to one's existence.
Speaking is another consideration because a person must be trained for such extraordinary neuromuscular activities. A baby normally experiments with sounds for two, or more, years before being able to form simple sentences. As people get older, the tongue is able to flex itself into many various shapes for more complex expressions.
Anyone who would like to get a better idea of the tongue's complex activities should concentrate on its various movements while talking.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Hot and Double Hot Lady

Hot Bingo Show

Hot Crazy Dancing

Too Hot In Bingo Live

Understand the (straight) male-female dynamic. This varies widely from country to country, but generally speaking, there is a clear paradigm in the Western world (that is, Europe, Australia, and North America) that defines what men and women find attractive in the opposite sex. It's actually very complicated, but at the most basic level, it works like this: Women are primarily attracted to social power and influence; men are primarily attracted to fertility and health (which is why Western culture is obsessed with making women look youthful).

  • There is a whole universe of things that men can do to suggest social power and thus become more attractive. Consider developing a strong sense of style or a clever sense of humor. Physical wealth is a strong display of social power, which is why some guys maintain beautiful cars even though they're otherwise living in poverty. Think about how you can accentuate your life to emphasize your own strengths.
  • The most basic and perhaps most useful way to show that you have social power is to be confident. By demonstrating an ability to speak and act in a self-assured manner, you can show that you have nothing to fear from other men, which makes you seem relatively powerful. This is why it is often said that confidence is everything in the dating world. Become confident, and the rest of the pickup game boils down to details; fail to exhibit confidence, and you will always struggle to get dates.

Real Hot Dress

Hot Hairy Lady

Understand the (straight) male-female dynamic. This varies widely from country to country, but generally speaking, there is a clear paradigm in the Western world (that is, Europe, Australia, and North America) that defines what men and women find attractive in the opposite sex. It's actually very complicated, but at the most basic level, it works like this: Women are primarily attracted to social power and influence; men are primarily attracted to fertility and health (which is why Western culture is obsessed with making women look youthful).

  • There is a whole universe of things that men can do to suggest social power and thus become more attractive. Consider developing a strong sense of style or a clever sense of humor. Physical wealth is a strong display of social power, which is why some guys maintain beautiful cars even though they're otherwise living in poverty. Think about how you can accentuate your life to emphasize your own strengths.
  • The most basic and perhaps most useful way to show that you have social power is to be confident. By demonstrating an ability to speak and act in a self-assured manner, you can show that you have nothing to fear from other men, which makes you seem relatively powerful. This is why it is often said that confidence is everything in the dating world. Become confident, and the rest of the pickup game boils down to details; fail to exhibit confidence, and you will always struggle to get dates.

Hot Asian Lady Chat Room

Magic Tongue Of Lady

Bingo Secret Story

Bingo Hot Lady

Bingo Hot Lady

Bingo Hot !

Bingo Secret Asian Lady

Have Finger Herself

Wednesday, September 21, 2016



Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Anti-Trump Veterans : Stop Using Us As "Political Props..

Some U.S. veterans have asked Donald Trump to stop using them as political pawns. Do you agree or disagree with them?

how many of you so called protesting Veterans are actually Veterans or
just another paid group of know it alls??? So you morons would rather
leave your futures to Hillary or Bernie in the White House??? Trump may
not be the best candidate we have e
had for President but he is a damn site better than the others running
against him now,, When Hillary or Bernie has you idiots living on the
streets and waiting in line for healthcare you can thank whoever paid
you to protest Trump for that !!!

Sexy Body Shower

Really want to make people happy to see everything around the world by watching my video.

Enjoy your entertainment with my videos.

Happy together and Understand the world !!!

Thank you so much.

Great Ass Movement

100% of $5,600,000.00 Donated to Veterans

She Did Great Exercise !

Real Sexy On Bed

Arabian Lady Shows Secret

Hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot hot

sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex

Small And Beautiful One

 HILARIOUS !!! I, am one-of-your ADORING fans, Ms. Patrick; here in Anaheim, CA. I'd like to INVITE you to an Anaheim Angels baseball game or, an Anaheim Ducks hockey game; whenever you're out this way in L.A. /Orange County !! I live in Anaheim. love you Danica you are really awesome, amazing and beautiful and I just want to tell you that u go girl and tell the people who you are and what you do and if they don't like then screw then because I don't like you, I love you and you keep up that driving and trust me u will be more better than you ever imagined

Sincerely your biggest fan

Really want to make people happy to see everything around the world by watching my video.

Enjoy your entertainment with my videos.

Happy together and Understand the world !!!

Thank you so much.

Yummy Begging Massage !

Most Sexy Athlete Fun!

Most sexy athlete In Italy and in the world.

Memorial Day Tips from Diamond and Silk.

Here are some Memorial Day Tips from Diamond and Silk.

Protesters Rush Stage At Sanders Rally

Democrats have excluded Independent voters from voting for the
Independent candidates in almost all of the primaries and do not count
any votes in cacause states, and then try to tell you how many votes
Hillary is ahead and the fools on TV having no brain other than what the
teleprompter tells them go along to mislead the American voters.

Protesters Rush Stage At Sanders Rally

Democrats have excluded Independent voters from voting for the
Independent candidates in almost all of the primaries and do not count
any votes in cacause states, and then try to tell you how many votes
Hillary is ahead and the fools on TV having no brain other than what the
teleprompter tells them go along to mislead the American voters.

BuzzFeed News This teen put glasses on the floor of a gallery and peopl...

complaining about what is and isn't art is EXACTLY the premise of the
modern art movement. With the invention of the camera, artists couldn't
really compete with their realism portraits. So they started to rethink
what art really is. They started

having fun with it, questioning everything. In 1917 Marcel Duchamp
literally took a urinal, flipped it upside down and signed it. It made
people so angry that they refused to showcase it. I doubt anyone will
read this, but art is subjective, ever since the late 1800. If you think
it's art then it is.

Sexy Lady Shows Ass On Bed

كيف سيتم تعريف امرأة مثير؟ هو عن جسدها، أو عينيها أو الشفتين، أو لها صوت أجش أو أي شيء متعلق لها الجوانب المادية ... أو هو عن موقفها أو المخابرات أو أي شيء متعلق لها جوانب الفكرية؟ أم هو مزيج مدهش من على حد سواء؟
It depends on sooo many things: sexyness is perceived according to your cultural background.  What is sexy in one part of the world might not be in a different part.  

For me, feeling sexy varies all the time.  Sometimes I feel sexy because of a perfum I am wearing, other times it is the clothes I put on.  Yet other times I just feel sexy because of the effect I seem to have in men. 

I find other women sexy because of their attitude, others because of their intellect.  Very rarely I find a woman sexy because of her body or face (I find that pretty, but does not strike me as sexy)

ذلك يعتمد على أشياء كثيرة سوو: ينظر sexyness وفقا لخلفيتك الثقافية. ما هو مثير في جزء واحد من العالم قد لا يكون في جزء آخر.

بالنسبة لي، والشعور مثير يختلف في كل وقت. أحيانا أشعر مثير بسبب العطور ارتديته، وأحيانا أخرى هو الملابس وضعت على. بعد أحيان أخرى أشعر مثير بسبب تأثير ويبدو لي أن يكون في الرجال.

أجد النساء أخرى مثيرة بسبب موقفهم، والبعض الآخر بسبب ذكائهم. نادرا ما أجد امرأة مثيرة بسبب جسدها أو الوجه (أجد أن جميلة، ولكن لا يبدو لي أن مثير)

Sexy Lady Shows Her Ass In Bed

مثير: من المفترض أن يعني جذابة جنسيا، ومع ذلك مؤخرا أنه أصبح كلمة من معنى غامض وهذا البلداء تستخدم عندما غير قادر على التفكير في صفة أفضل لشيء يحلو لهم.

جميلة: 1.) فتاة من لديه الاستئناف المادية التي تجذب الرجل.
2.) فتاة يمكن أن يكون aussi جميلة داخل في مشاعرها في معتقداتها.

الجميل: جميل هو امرأة: لديه شخصية مميزة، واحدة من يستطيع أن يضحك على أي شيء، بما في ذلك أنفسهم، خصوصا وهو نوع والرعاية للآخرين. إنها امرأة المتواجدون قبل كل شيء يعرف قيمة يلهون، وليس gravement أيضا أخذ الحياة. انها امرأة يمكنك الوثوق بها والاعتماد على لسطع يومك. إنها امرأة لسبب غير مفهوم الذي يمكن أن تجعلك تشعر جيدة حقا فقط من خلال كونها حولها، وبعد الحزن يجلب مثل هذا عظيم عندما ذهب أنها. هي امرأة أنا لن تحصل حقا أن تعرف.

This guy I don't know who is in my class, told these girls I don't really know that he thought I was sexy (he told them in spanish, but I know that he can speak English) Anyways, what does it mean really??? I'm kind of big but still curvy (I guess) and people have told me I'm pretty and stuff, but does calling a girl sexy just mean he wants to "get in my pants"? Thank you for answering.Well, it could mean both, because most guys do like to have sex with women that are sexy to them. But, it doesn't have to mean that hes trying to nail you, its a compliment to you that he finds you to be what defines sexy for him. Men don't tend to want to bed women that repulse them, after all... 
And, don't underestimate men being attracted to a woman who is curvy. Most men do prefer women with some nice curves, rather than the stick figures in most of the idiot chyk fashion magazines. 
Heres a good way to prove that. Compare the body types of the women in fashion mags, with the shapes of the women in men's magazines, including Playboy, etc. You will find that the images of women that men want, are nice, curvy, and don't look like they're about to drop dead from starvation. 
If you want to know what men find attractive and sexy, you have to look at what men look at when they're looking for those things.

Sexy Girls Shows Ass

น่ารัก: สาวที่เป็นเหมือนฝันและน่ารักและน่ากอดและขี้อายและมีความสวยงามและ awwww * * * * * * * * Drools

เซ็กซี่: ควรจะหมายถึงมีเสน่ห์ทางเพศอย่างไรก็ตามเมื่อเร็ว ๆ นี้มันได้กลายเป็นคำที่ความหมายคลุมเครือที่ซใช้เมื่อไม่สามารถที่จะคิดว่าคำคุณศัพท์ที่ดีกว่าสำหรับสิ่งที่พวกเขาชอบ

พริตตี้: 1) ผู้หญิงที่มีการอุทธรณ์ทางกายภาพที่ดึงดูดผู้ชาย
2. ) มีหญิงสาวที่สามารถ aussi สวยภายในในความรู้สึกของเธอในความเชื่อของเธอ

สวย: สวยเป็นผู้หญิงใคร A: มีบุคลิกที่โดดเด่นคนที่สามารถหัวเราะเยาะอะไรรวมถึงตัวเองโดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งผู้ที่เป็นชนิดและห่วงใยกับคนอื่น ๆ เธอเป็นผู้หญิงคนเหนือสิ่งอื่นใดรู้คุณค่าของการมีความสนุกสนานและไม่มากเกินไป gravement การใช้ชีวิต ว่าเธอเป็นผู้หญิงคนหนึ่งที่คุณสามารถไว้วางใจและนับบนเพื่อเพิ่มความสว่างวันของคุณ เธอเป็นผู้หญิงลึกลับที่สามารถทำให้คุณรู้สึกดีจริงๆเพียงแค่ได้อยู่ใกล้เธอและยังความโศกเศร้านำที่ดีเช่นเมื่อเธอหายไป เธอเป็นผู้หญิงคนหนึ่งที่ผมจะไม่เคยได้รับรู้

Cute: A girl who is lovely and dreamy and cuddly and shy and beautiful and awwww *drools*

Sexy: Supposed to mean sexually attractive, however recently it has become a word of ambiguous meaning that morons use when unable to think of a better adjective for something they like.

Pretty: 1.)A girl who has physical appeals that attracts a guy.
2.)A girl can also be pretty inside in her feelings in her beliefs.

Beautiful: Beautiful is a woman who has a distinctive personality, one who can laugh at anything, including themselves, who is especially kind and caring to others. She is a woman who above all else knows the value of having fun, and not taking life too seriously. She is a woman that you can trust and count on to brighten your day. She is a woman who can inexplicably make you feel really good just by being around her, and yet brings such great sadness when she is gone. She is a woman who I will never really get to know.

Sex In Bed with A beautiful Lady

Cute: Attractive in a pretty or endearing way.

Sexually attractive or exciting.

Attractive in a delicate way without being truly beautiful or handsome.

Pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically.

Urban dictionary definition:

Cute: A girl who is lovely and dreamy and cuddly and shy and beautiful and awwww *drools*
Sexy: Supposed to mean sexually attractive, however recently it has become a word of ambiguous meaning that morons use when unable to think of a better adjective for something they like.
Pretty: 1.)A girl who has physical appeals that attracts a guy.
2.)A girl can also be pretty inside in her feelings in her beliefs.

Beautiful is a woman who has a distinctive personality, one who can laugh at anything, including themselves, who is especially kind and caring to others. She is a woman who above all else knows the value of having fun, and not taking life too seriously. She is a woman that you can trust and count on to brighten your day. She is a woman who can inexplicably make you feel really good just by being around her, and yet brings such great sadness when she is gone. She is a woman who I will never really get to know.

Good News For Australians : Wage Rise

Australians in low-paid jobs will get a boost of $15.80 a week following Fair Work Commission decision.Cost
of living is about to go up. Cue the low paid workers complaints about
increased costs lol the link never seems to be clear to them.

A Family In Queensland Lost $12327.97 On Their Water Bill

news for the young family. Glad to see common sense prevailed...
actually, thanks to the media for bringing it the attention of someone
obviously important enough to make this nonsense disappear!!!How were these people to know they had a leak that was undetectable? Typical corporate response from Urban Utilities

Monday, May 30, 2016

President Obama : We are Our best every Corner

Blah Blah. Those who gave their lives in WWII are rolling over in
their graves after you apologized for Hiroshima. My family and I are
true Patriots and WILL honor the fallen today and every day but we will
never apologize for what was justified. You don't speak for me mr.

I am proud to be an American but disgusted with our traitor president and his traitor corrupt administration.

Moreton Bay Rail Link On Hold

Private enterprise would never have buggered it up like government does.

Driver accidentally goes for spin through a Gold Coast laundromat.

accident involving an older person. When r things going to change
regarding licensing with them. They're becoming increasingly dangerous.
They need to prove they r capable.

 Now there's a business waiting to be opened a drive through laundromat. With the success of other drive through businesses this one's for the taking.

Driver accidentally goes for spin through a Gold Coast laundromat.

accident involving an older person. When r things going to change
regarding licensing with them. They're becoming increasingly dangerous.
They need to prove they r capable.

 Now there's a business waiting to be opened a drive through laundromat. With the success of other drive through businesses this one's for the taking.

Driver accidentally goes for spin through a Gold Coast laundromat.

accident involving an older person. When r things going to change
regarding licensing with them. They're becoming increasingly dangerous.
They need to prove they r capable.

 Now there's a business waiting to be opened a drive through laundromat. With the success of other drive through businesses this one's for the taking.

Debate Between Donald J. Trump and Bernie Sanders

"I would love to see a debate between Donald J. Trump and Bernie Sanders
because it would help crystallize the difference between traditional
American values and socialism. I don't think a lot of young people
really know what socialism is. They think it's about coming together and
caring about other people. When they find out what it's really about,
they might change their minds."


Adelaide Deaths

That's just so sad... how could human be so evil and heartless...

Sunday, May 29, 2016

តំបន់ស្រីស្អាត អូនcuteអត់ ?

Sexy Man In Club

Hot man In the Club for dancing


មានអ្វីប្លែកកក្នុងវិឌីអូក្លិបនេះ? សូមទស្សនា ហើយស្វែងរកខ្លួនឯងទៅ ណា ។

តំបន់ស្រីស្អាត បែកស្លុយ


ការប៉ុនប៉ងចាំខ្លូនលោក កឹម សុខា



(ស បង្ហាញថាកម្លាំងសាមគ្គីគឺនៅតែមាន)!

To Ny
To Ny ញុំសប្បាយចិត្តណាស់ដែលឃើញខ្មែរចេះស្រលាញ់សាមគ្គីគ្នាចឹងហើយញុំសង្ឃឹមថាឆ្នាំ2017នឹង2018ជ័យជំនះនឹងបានមកខ្មែរគ្រប់ៗគ្នា
ព្រហ្ម សុគុណ គិរី
ព្រហ្ម សុគុណ គិរី សង្ឃឹមថាពលរដ្ឋនឹងមិនស្រក់ទឹកភ្នែកទៀតទេនៅថ្ងៃអនាគត
។ ម្នាក់ៗចង់ឡើងធ្វើស្តេចភ្លេចទុក្ខវេទនារបស់រាស្រ្ត។
សុំត្រឹមតែជា លោកនាយករដ្ខមន្រ្តី ឫឯកឧត្តមប៉ុណ្ណឹងបានពេកទៅហើយ ។
Limchhun Sreng
Limchhun Sreng ការរួមចំណែក
បរិចាក ថវិការ សម្ភារៈ ជាកំលាំងសាមគ្គីខ្មែរពិត ខ្ញុំជាអ្នកគាំទ្រម្នាក់
សូមជូនពរដល់ម្ចាស់ឧបត្ថម្ភទាំងអស់ឲ្យជួបតែសេចក្ដីសុខ គ្រប់ពេលវេលា!!!
Sivty Owen Owen
Sivty Owen Owen ពួកគាត់និយាយបានល្អនិងត្រឹមត្រូវណាស់ ខ្មែរនិងជនផ្ដាច់ការ និងយួននៅឆ្នាំ១០១៨នេះហើយ

Thailand - China Drill War !

China-Thailand live fire drill
China-Thailand live fire exercise involving surface-to-air missiles.
It's part of Blue Strike 2016, a joint drill currently underway at
Sattahip naval base, the largest naval base in Thailand.
· Video

King Of Khmer Singer

DJ Lady style !

lady style has practised hard and perfected her cross fader technique
and she is one the best ive seen doing the crab technique which takes
years to perfect and she has put her song into a DAW (digital audio
workstation) such as ableton or FLstudio
put two or more songs together and export it as a .wav and put it onto a
turntable its not very difficult I think it makes your mix more unique
to everyone elses DJ lady style goes the extra mile to make her mix
unique and she is doing an awesome job.
of a sudden everyone is a dj analyst... Someone tag her already so she
makes a video to shut all these haters up. It's NOT A FAKE. You can see
the middle sticker on her serato vinyl go back every time and her fader
and volume movements are completely synced not to mention she uses a cue
setter on her right side.
some insane beat mixing gurl. And some mad scratching on da decks. I've
been on the decks and in and of the club's for years. Soul,funk,rnb,hip
hop. DJ.THUGGTRAIN. That's some bomb me shit. Still to this day, I
think ripping up vynal will never die out. I still have about 8 crates.
You make me want to get back into it. Love it.
. I only saw the video once and knew this was
real. Good day everyone

Sanders reiterates call for Trump debate

Friday, May 20, 2016

A Controversial Candidate of Donald Trump

A Controversial Candidate

On July 18, 2015, Trump set off another media maelstrom with comments made at the Christian-oriented Family Leadership Summit in Iowa, calling out Senator and one-time Republican presidential nominee John McCain's reputation as a military hero. "He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured," Trump said, referring to McCain having been detained during the Vietnam War for several years after being gunned down as an airman, surviving multiple broken limbs and torture. Military veteran groups and advocates have generally denounced Trump's statements.
Despite these and his many other controversial remarks, a national phone poll completed by late July 2015 saw Trump in the lead for the Republican nomination, with ex-governor of Florida Jeb Bush slightly behind and within the poll's margin of error. More than half of Republican voters polled said that they were still unsure about which candidate from the large pool of contenders they would ultimately support.
Nonetheless, having garnered major media attention, Trump was one of the ten top candidates who participated in a Fox News presidential debate in early August. While the mogul continued a tone set in earlier appearances, he was critiqued and questioned on everything from his business practices to demeaning, sexist comments made about women via television and social media. Trump later made highly insulting remarks about moderator Megyn Kelly for the nature of her questions, and was hence disinvited from an Atlanta speaking engagement. He also initially maintained that he might opt for a third-party candidacy if running on the Republican ticket wasn't viable, but later signed a loyalty pledge stating he wouldn't do so.
As of March 2016, Trump appeared to be the likely Republican presidential nominee, with only Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Ohio Governor John Kasich holding out hope for their campaigns. Trump has maintained his somewhat commanding lead over his opponents despite ongoing criticisms and controversies, including his proposal to ban the immigration of Muslims to the United States, an apparent endorsement of waterboarding, and widespread protests at his political rallies, several of which have turned violent.

Presidential Contender of Donald Trump

Presidential Contender

On June 16, 2015, Trump made his White House ambitions official when he announced his run for president on the Republican ticket for the 2016 elections, joining a crowded field of more than a dozen major candidates. "I am officially running for president of the United States," Trump said during his announcement at Trump Towers in New York City, "and we are going to make our country great again." He added with his signature bravado: "I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created.”
Upon Trump's announcement to run for president, his scathing, derogatory remarks about Mexicans and immigration caused NBC to sever business ties with him. “Due to the recent derogatory statements by Donald Trump regarding immigrants, NBCUniversal is ending its business relationship with Mr. Trump,” NBC responded in a statement. "To that end, the annual Miss USA and Miss Universe Pageants, which are part of a joint venture between NBC and Trump, will no longer air on NBC."
The statement added: "In addition, as Mr. Trump has already indicated, he will not be participating in The Celebrity Apprentice on NBC. Celebrity Apprentice is licensed from Mark Burnett's United Artists Media Group and that relationship will continue."
In response to NBC, Trump was unapologetic and defiant, filing a $500 million dollar lawsuit against the company, with his daughter Ivanka stating that her father's comments were distorted by the media. Yet among great social outcry, other organizations have withdrawn from associations with Trump as well: The Professional Golfers Association of America pulled plans for its fall Grand Slam tournament to be held at Trump National Golf Club in Los Angeles, while representatives for Macy's announced that the retail chain would no longer carry Trump's menswear collection.  

Personal Life, Politics and Reality TV of Donald Trump !

Personal Life, Politics and Reality TV

While trying to solve his financial troubles, Donald Trump's image was further tarnished by the publicity surrounding his controversial separation and 1991 divorce from his wife, Ivana. But in 1993 he married again, this time to Marla Maples, a fledgling actress with whom he had been involved for some time and already had a child. Trump would ultimately file for a highly publicized divorce from Maples in 1997, which became final in June 1999. A prenuptial agreement allotted $2 million to Maples. In January 2005, Trump married for a third time in another highly publicized wedding, this time to model Melania Knauss, who gave birth to a son, Barron William Trump, in March 2006; it was her first child and Trump's fifth.
Amidst these personal upheavals, on October 7, 1999, Trump announced the formation of an exploratory committee to inform his decision of whether or not he should seek the Reform Party's nomination for the presidential race of 2000. However, after a poor showing during the California primary, Trump withdrew his candidacy. It would not quell his political aspirations, however.
Back in the business world, on August 3, 2000, a state appeals court ruled that Trump had the right to finish an 856-foot-tall condominium. The Coalition for Responsible Development had sued the city, charging it was violating zoning laws by letting the building reach heights that towered over everything in the neighborhood. The city has since moved to revise its rules to prevent more such projects, but the failure of Trump's opponents to obtain an injunction allowed him to continue construction.
In 2004 Trump took advantage of his high-profile persona when he began starring in the NBC reality series The Apprentice, which quickly became a hit. The success of the show resulted numerous spin-offs, including one that showcased well-known figures as contestants, airing under the revised name The Celebrity Apprentice.
In 2012 Trump's flirtation with politics resume when he publicly announced he was considering running for president again. However, his association with the "Birther" movement, a fringe group that staunchly believed President Barack Obama was not born in the United States, seemingly discredited his political reputation. Regardless, Trump has continued to be a vocal critic of President Obama—not only regarding his place of birth—but also on a variety of his policies.

Ups and Downs of Business for Donald Trump

Ups and Downs of Business

Expanding his empire to the south, around this time Trump developed a condominium project in West Palm Beach, Florida, and in 1989 he branched out to purchase the Eastern Air Lines Shuttle for $365 million, which he later renamed the Trump Shuttle. In January 1990, Trump flew to Los Angeles to unveil a plan to build a $1 billion commercial and residential project featuring a 125-story office building.
It was in 1990, however, that the real estate market declined, reducing the value of and income from Trump's empire; though he had asserted his own net worth in the neighborhood of $1.5 billion at that time, a Forbes magazine investigation into his assets revealed that his existing debt likely brought the number closer to $500 million. In any event, the Trump Organization required a massive infusion of loans to keep it from collapsing, a situation which raised questions as to whether the corporation could survive bankruptcy. Some observers saw Trump's decline as symbolic of many of the business, economic and social excesses that had arisen in the 1980s.
Donald Trump eventually managed to climb back from a reported deficit of nearly $900 million, claiming to have reached a zenith of more than $2 billion. However, independent sources again questioned his math, estimating his worth at something closer to $500 million by 1997.

Expanding Donald Trump's Empire

Expanding His Empire

In 1977, Trump married Ivana Zelnickova Winklmayr, a New York fashion model who had been an alternate on the 1972 Czech Olympic Ski Team. After the 1978 birth of the couple's first of three children, Donald John Trump Jr., Ivana Trump was named vice president in charge of design in the Trump Organization and played a major role in supervising the renovation of the Commodore.
In 1979 Trump leased a site on Fifth Avenue adjacent to the famous Tiffany & Company as the location for a monumental $200-million apartment-retail complex designed by Der Scutt. Opened in 1982, it was dubbed Trump Tower. The 58-story building featured a six-story atrium lined with pink marble and included an 80-foot waterfall. The luxurious building attracted well-known retail stores and celebrity renters and brought Trump national attention.
Meanwhile Trump was investigating the profitable casino gambling business, which was approved in New Jersey in 1977, and in 1980 he was able to acquire a piece of property in Atlantic City. Trump brought in his younger brother Robert to head up the complex project of acquiring the land, winning a gambling license and obtaining permits and financing. Holiday Inn Corporation, the parent company of Harrah's casino hotels, offered a partnership, and the $250 million complex opened in 1984 as Harrah's at Trump Plaza. Trump bought out Holiday Inn soon thereafter and renamed the facility Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino. Trump also purchased a Hilton Hotels casino-hotel in Atlantic City when the corporation failed to obtain a gambling license and renamed the $320 million complex Trump's Castle. Later, while it was under construction, he was able to acquire the largest hotel-casino in the world, the Taj Mahal at Atlantic City, which opened in 1990.
Back in New York City, Donald Trump had purchased an apartment building and the adjacent Barbizon-Plaza Hotel in New York City, which faced Central Park, with plans to build a large condominium tower on the site. The tenants of the apartment building, however, who were protected by the city's rent-control and rent-stabilization programs, fought Trump's plans and won. Trump then renovated the Barbizon, renaming it Trump Parc. In 1985 Trump purchased 76 acres on the West Side of Manhattan for $88 million to build a complex to be called Television City, which was to consist of a dozen skyscrapers, a mall and a riverfront park. The huge development was to stress television production and feature the world's tallest building, but community opposition and a long city-approval process delayed commencement of construction on the project. In 1988 he acquired the Plaza Hotel for $407 million and spent $50 million refurbishing it under his wife Ivana's direction.

Early Life and Education of Donald Trump

Early Life and Education

Donald John Trump was born on June 14, 1946, in Queens, New York, the fourth of five children of Frederick C. and Mary MacLeod Trump. Frederick Trump was a builder and real estate developer who came to specialize in constructing and operating middle-income apartments in Queens, Staten Island and Brooklyn. Donald was an energetic, assertive child, and his parents sent him to the New York Military Academy at age 13, hoping the discipline of the school would channel his energy in a positive manner.
Trump did well at the academy, both socially and academically, rising to become a star athlete and student leader by the time he graduated in 1964. He then entered Fordham University and two years later transferred to the Wharton School of Finance at the University of Pennsylvania, from which he graduated in 1968 with a degree in economics.

New York Real Estate Developer

Trump seems to have been strongly influenced by his father in his decision to make a career in real estate development, but the younger man's personal goals were much grander than those of his senior. As a student, Trump worked with his father during the summer and then joined his father's company, Elizabeth Trump & Son, after graduation from college. He was able to finance an expansion of the company's holdings by convincing his father to be more liberal in the use of loans based on the equity in the Trump apartment complexes. However, business was very competitive and profit margins were narrow.
In 1971 Donald Trump was given control of the company, which he later renamed the Trump Organization. He also moved his residence to Manhattan, where he began to make important connections with influential people. Convinced of the city's economic opportunity, Trump soon became involved in large building projects in Manhattan that would offer opportunities for earning high profits, using attractive architectural design and winning public recognition.
When the Pennsylvania Central Railroad entered bankruptcy, Trump was able to obtain an option on the railroad's yards on the West Side of Manhattan. When initial plans for apartments proved unfeasible because of the poor economic climate, Trump promoted the property as the location of a city convention center, and the city government selected it over two other sites in 1978. Trump's offer to forego a fee if the center were named after his family, however, was turned down, along with his bid to build the complex, which was ultimately named for Senator Jacob Javits.
In 1974 Trump obtained an option on one of Penn Central's hotels, the Commodore, which was unprofitable but in an excellent location adjacent to Grand Central Station. The next year he signed a partnership agreement with the Hyatt Hotel Corporation, which did not have a large downtown hotel. Trump then worked out a complex deal with the city to win a 40-year tax abatement, arranged financing and then completely renovated the building, constructing a striking new facade of reflective glass designed by architect Der Scutt. When the hotel, renamed the Grand Hyatt, opened in 1980, it was instantly popular and proved an economic success, making Donald Trump the city's best known and most controversial developer in the process.

This Is What people Said About Donald J. Trump !

  You Know What They Said About Me?
Frank Costello "An airplane was about to crash; there were 5 passengers on board, but had only 4 parachutes.
The first passenger said, "I am Kobe Bryant, the best NBA basketball player; the Laker's need me, I can't afford to die." So he took the first pack and left the plane.

The second passenger, Hillary Clinton said, "I am the wife of the former U.S. President, a Senator from New York , and a potential future president. I am the smartest woman in American history, so America 's people don't want me to die." She took the second pack and jumped out of the plane.

The third passenger, John Kerry, said, "I'm the Senator from the great state of Massachusetts ". I was my party's last nominee for President. So he grabbed the pack next to him and jumped.

The fourth passenger, President George W. Bush, said to the fifth passenger, a
10-year-old schoolgirl, "I have lived a full life, and served my country well, I will sacrifice my life and let you have the last parachute."

The girl said, "That's okay There's a parachute left for you. America 's smartest woman took my schoolbag."

Ryan ThomasRyan Thomas Let's take are country back America! 🇺🇸 We can't afford another eight years of incompetence. Let's hold crooked Killary accountable and get her on board the Trump 🚂 with service straight to prison! 

Cynthia Mauro
Cynthia Mauro This country will not survive with either Hillary or Bernie. We need Donald Trump to get this country back to where it once was!!! It will be so great to know that the rest of the world looks up to us again and we know that Trump will do what is right for us!!! TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT 2016 AND 2020!!!!!!!
Aaron Boutwell
Aaron Boutwell It's unbelievable just how many people are Hillary supporters simply because she is a female and totally disregarding her deceitful ways. We can clearly see the damage that our country has endured over the last 8 years by so many voting for Obama just because he was black..not caring at all about his agenda. Trump seems to be the only one that has the prosperity of our country at heart.

Betty Niemann
Betty Niemann Hillarys anti-trump commercials are running everyday here in Tennessee. She is a LIAR!!! dont believe these B.S. commercials!!! Hillary will say or do anything to win...& yes Hillary is CROOKED!!! do vote for Hillary..Vote for Donald Trump!!!!!

Julie Kott Pike
Julie Kott Pike If Hillary wins, it will be torture. It will be 4 years without a leader. Just like we have now. US drifting without prayer. Trump is the only hope for America. The Dems have been beating up Bernie in the back alley and have chosen their leader -- crooked Hillary. Ugh.
Mark Simmons
Mark Simmons Bernie is no way able to pass any of his wanted changes..even if he were to beat Hillary....not enough power...Trump should take Bernie as his VP and agree to enact some of his more sane ideas....this way...Trump gets the labor vote.

George Mcguire
George Mcguire The 3 am phone call? It was made- her and Obama chose to let Americans die to win an election---- ENOUGH!!!! No more liars in the big chair!!! For the PEOPLE!!! TRUMP!!!!
Laurie Firestone
Laurie Firestone God Help Us!!!! No more Hillary!!! NO! Vote Trump all the way to the WhiteHouse! Trump is the only candidate that will be for America. Let's all help to make America great again. Vote Trump! God bless America.
Frances Ford
Frances Ford Glad you will be our next President. Hoping that one of the first things you do is to repeal Obamacare or at LEAST take away the tax penalties connected with it. People should make their own personal and private decision on health care. Thank you for listening.
Wendy McCullough
Wendy McCullough Don't care about socialist sanders been Washington to long Hillary is one in the same hope his supporters see the light and vote for you mr trump
Diana Teichelman
Diana Teichelman You know I know Hillary's crooked but I'm getting sick of listening to the crooked Hillary deal we're adults out here we don't need to do that just call her lyng Hillary or Hillary doesn't know how to tell the truth let's acted like adults not kids.
Christopher Mangsen
Christopher Mangsen ABC this morning. Hillary says she doesn't think you're qualified to be president. Man I almost choked on my coffee, my wife had to give me the Himelick I was laughing so hard,

Douglas Dean Sloter
Douglas Dean Sloter LOVE the Crooked Hillary true...what everyone knows but was afraid to say about glad you are standing up to their bullshizzle...take care and keep pounding...keep hammering about her lieing to the American ppl about Benghazi

John Carper
John Carper If I were a Bernie supporter I would be really pissed Hillary said in an interview yesterday I am the nominee hell it's not over yet the fix is in
Bill Collignon
Bill Collignon You would think Hillary and Bernie, on a unified ticket, would unite the Democrats to beat Trump. That was the old days. Don't think it's even being entertained by the Hillary camp, as they realize outraged Bernie supporters would probably bounce to Trump. This essentially means oblivion for the traditional two-party system. Never again.