Monday, September 26, 2016

Hot Hairy Lady

Understand the (straight) male-female dynamic. This varies widely from country to country, but generally speaking, there is a clear paradigm in the Western world (that is, Europe, Australia, and North America) that defines what men and women find attractive in the opposite sex. It's actually very complicated, but at the most basic level, it works like this: Women are primarily attracted to social power and influence; men are primarily attracted to fertility and health (which is why Western culture is obsessed with making women look youthful).

  • There is a whole universe of things that men can do to suggest social power and thus become more attractive. Consider developing a strong sense of style or a clever sense of humor. Physical wealth is a strong display of social power, which is why some guys maintain beautiful cars even though they're otherwise living in poverty. Think about how you can accentuate your life to emphasize your own strengths.
  • The most basic and perhaps most useful way to show that you have social power is to be confident. By demonstrating an ability to speak and act in a self-assured manner, you can show that you have nothing to fear from other men, which makes you seem relatively powerful. This is why it is often said that confidence is everything in the dating world. Become confident, and the rest of the pickup game boils down to details; fail to exhibit confidence, and you will always struggle to get dates.

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